Looking for a way to make certain shopper tax exempt in WooCommerce?
WooCommerce Tax Exempt lets you configure specific users to be tax exempt. When a user has this status they are not charged tax for anything they buy, nor are they charged taxed for shipping.
Core Features for User Accounts
- Set any customer as tax exempt
- Optionally set tax exemption expiration date
- Optionally record the customer’s tax ID in their user account
- Optionally exempt a customer from only a selected set of your defined tax types
- Define exemptions globally for specific user roles
- Optionally switch a product’s tax class for different customers
You can enable or disable this status for any user account, and you can also record the user’s Tax ID and optionally set the expiration date of their exemption status. If the expiration date if in the past then the shopper can no longer make purchases without paying sales taxes.
Plus, if you have configured more than one type of tax you can selectively set a user to be exempt from some of those tax types, or all of those tax types.
When viewing a list of users in the WordPress admin area new columns are shown that display the tax status, tax ID, and the tax ID expiration date, and you can sort the list of users with any of those columns.
You can also make user roles tax exempt.
With this plugin you don’t have to add extra fields to your checkout page to collect a shopper’s tax exempt information where you assume all shoppers will be honest. Instead, with this plugin you control tax exempt status for each shopper on a case by case basis.
This plugin does not handle the collection of tax exemption information. You handle that however you see fit. For example, some sites like to add a page with a form where people can request tax exempt shopping status. An admin then receives the form data, reviews the request, and decides whether to grant the tax exempt shopping status, where the admin might need to add a new user account for the shopper if they don’t already have a user account. Other sites handle the process manually for existing customers that they already have a relationship with.
Compatibility: WooCommerce 2.6.14 and newer
Latest version: 2.2.9