WooCommerce Birthday Coupons lets you automatically send your customers a coupon on their birthday, every year. What a great way to increase your sales!
you can collect your customer’s birth month and birth day on the checkout page, or let them enter it on their My Account page. The customer can choose whether or not they want to provide that information – it’s always optional. If they opt to provide a birth date then that information is stored in their user account profile – and the information can only be changed by an administrator. This prevents customers from gaming your site to get coupon codes.
WooCommerce Birthday Coupons – Checkout page
WooCommerce Birthday Coupons – My Account page
The plugin checks every day to see whose birthday it is today and sends them a coupon automatically. Recipients can easily opt out of receiving further coupons by simply checking a box in their profile on their My Account page. And, customers can view any existing valid birthday coupons on their My Account page.
WooCommerce Birthday Coupons – Opt Out Setting
WooCommerce Birthday Coupons – My Account coupons list
As administrator you can optionally receive a summary of all coupons sent on a given day. And, you configure the coupon any way you like based on existing coupon configuration settings available in WooCommerce, optionally add an expiration date, and optionally limit the coupon to only be used by the customer it is sent to.
The plugin also adds the birthday information to the user editor in the WordPress admin area so you can easily change someone’s birthday by editing their account. This feature is useful if someone contacts you saying that they made a mistake entering their birthday.
The plugin comes with fully customizable templates so you can entirely control the look and feel of the checkout page form and My Account page forms and fields, and alter the contents of the email sent to customers on their birthday.
You may want to also look at our WooCommerce Super Coupons extension, it’s a great accompaniment for birthday coupons!
Comes with great support via email and phone!
Questions? Contact us for clear answers.
Compatibility: WooCommerce 3.0 and newer
Current version: 2.4
We keep all of our software up to date with the latest versions of WooCommerce and WordPress.
If you don't see any recent changes below it's because none have become necessary!
Version 2.4 - October 10, 2023
Allow CRON action to run during Ajax requests
Add support for high performance order system (HPOS)
WooCommerce 8.x compatibility
Remove custom field formerly added to the Edit Billing Address page in My Account - no longer necessary with the new Birth date endpoint in My Account
Version 2.3 - March 9, 2021
Added new setting to allow sending birthday coupons X days before birthdays
Use gmdate instead of date
When getting the current date use current_time with 'timestamp' as the timestamp
Version 2.2.10 - January 4, 2020
Added debug logging
Version 2.2.9 - February 5, 2019
Limit cron task processing 25 birthday coupons per each 15 minutes, avoids long queries on sites with many tens of thousands of customers
Try to override any PHP execution time limit imposed by PHP configurations when sending out coupons
Version 2.2.8 - October 3, 2017
Added $bday variable to the new template file
Version 2.2.7 - October 2, 2017
Add template file myaccount-birthday-form.php use to display My Account page tab content
Version 2.2.6 - October 2, 2017
Ensure date_expires meta data is written in addition expiry_date if an expiration is defined
Version 2.2.5 - July 7, 2017
Fixed a typo introducing when adding WooCommerce 3.x compatibility
Version 2.2.4 - April 25, 2017
WooCommerce 3.x compatibility
Version 2.2.3 - July 12, 2016
Adjusted jQuery Chosen loading
Version 2.2.2 - July 7, 2016
Updated processing for settings
Added support for a "Birth date" tab and section in the My Account page for WooCommerce 2.6
Version 2.2.1 - October 26, 2015
Update template override path definitions
Version 2.2 - October 20, 2015
Updated to work on the checkout page when guest checkout is on and the user is not logged in.
Version 2.1.2 - May 22, 2014
Updated action call definition to use class reference
Version 2.1.1 - May 22, 2014
Updated coupon delivery logic
Updated template display logic to not show expired coupons
Version 2.1 - March 21, 2014
Initial public release
Version 1.0
In-house private development and use
From: 79.00 / year
Boost sales by automatically sending your customers a coupon on their birthday, every year.
All of our plugins come with great support via email and phone.