Want to have WooCommerce offer free shipping for specific users & roles?
Now you can with WooCommerce Free Shipping for Users & Roles. This simple yet powerful plugin adds a new shipping method to your store and lets you quickly configure free shipping rules that determine which users and / or roles can get free shipping on their order.
Add as many rules as you like, where each rule can include any users, any roles, as well as a minimum and maximum cart total range that determine if the shopper’s cart total is valid to receive free shipping. And, you can set a unique shipping method title for each rule that is shown to the shopper when they are offered free shipping.
Let’s say for example you’re using our Wholesale Pricing plugin and a membership plugin on your site, and want to offer free shipping to users who have the role of Wholesale Buyer and Member as long as their order total is at least $100. It’s easy: add a new rule, select Wholesale Buyer and Member in the list of existing roles on your site, set the minimum cart total to 100, and you’re done. If you wanted to limit that rule further by only offering free shipping if the order total is at least 100 but less than 500 you can do that too: Simply set the maximum order total to 500. Now set any title you want for the rule, for example, “Regular Shipping”, and when the shoppers lands on your cart page or checkout page with an order total in the range of 100 to 500 they’ll see the shipping option titled “Regular Shipping” with a cost of “Free”.
The same holds true for rules that pertain to specific users, when adjusting the settings of your rule select any users that you want to be offered free shipping. In any rule you can select only users, or only roles, or you can mix and match users and roles into the same rule.
And there’s a catch-all rule built into the software that you can use if you need to. This rule applies to any user and any role, and it can be disabled easily if you don’t need to use it.
Take a look at the screenshot below. You see 4 rules plus the built-in catch all rule at the end of the list. The first rule offers free shipping to 2 users, John and George, if their order total is between $100 and $500. The second rule offers free shipping to all shoppers that have a user role of Wholesale Buyer regardless of their order total. The third rule offers free shipping to the user Mr. Davidson and to users with a role of Member as long as their cart total is at least 100. The fourth rule offers free shipping to all customers when their order total is at least $501. And the last rule, the catch-all rule also offers free shipping to everyone ( including non-logged in shoppers ) when their order total is at least $501.
Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0 and newer