WooCommerce Free Gift WooCommerce Free Gifts Pro

Want to give WooCommerce shoppers a free gift if they spend a certain amount of money?

WooCommerce Free Gifts Pro lets you do that easily, it’s the most flexible and most powerful free gift plugin available for WooCommerce.

Unlimited gift rules

Create as many rules as you need to determine when to offer free gifts, and who gifts are offered to.

Unlimited gift giving

Offer as many gifts as you want. Allow you shoppers to receive one or more simple products and variable products.

No coupons required

Shoppers can receive gifts from you without the need for them to remember and use any special coupon codes. They put their gift in the cart with the simple click of a button.

Automatic Notification

Easily show a message on your site enticing shopper to spend more to receive free gifts, and show them a message when they’re eligible.

The plugin lets you set an unlimited number of rules to offer customers free gifts. Each rule can have conditions to require a minimum cart subtotal amount and a maximum cart subtotal, and rules can be defined to apply to specific users and roles, or everyone including non-logged in shoppers, or only logged in users. You may also exclude users with specific roles. And of course each rule lets you define how many free gifts the customer can receive, and define which products they can choose from.

You define the exact products to offer as gifts or let shoppers choose gifts from specific product categories.

For example maybe you want a rule that lets the shopper have 1 free gift if they spend at least $100, and maybe you want another rule that lets the shopper have 2 free gifts if they spend at least $175. The possible combinations are nearly unlimited.

When any of your free gift rules match the shoppers cart subtotal they they see a message informing them that they’re eligible for free gifts. On the cart or checkout page they can choose the gift to add it to their cart by simple clicking a button. Gift items are added to their cart so that you as site operator can see that in their order and make sure it is delivered.

The plugin can also display an “enticement” message across all of your shop pages informing shoppers that if they spend X amount of money they can receive a free gift. When they have items in the cart that meet the minimum subtotal amount the plugin can also display a message informing that they’re eligible for a free gift. Both messages help increase your sales and reduce the chance of a shopper abandoning their cart before paying for their order. And, the text of both messages are fully configurable by you – plus you can disable either of the messages or both.

Lets have a look at some screenshots so you have an idea of what the plugin looks like in action:

WooCommerce Free Gifts - Enticement Notice
WooCommerce Free Gifts – Enticement Notice

In the screenshot above you see the “enticement” message letting the shopper know they can receive a gift if they spend $100.

WooCommerce Free Gifts - Add the Gift
WooCommerce Free Gifts – Add the Gift

In the screenshot above you see the notice informing the shopper that they are now eligible for a gift. This screenshot is the cart page, and under the message you can see the mini add to cart form where the shopper can optionally add the gift to the cart. In this screenshot the plugin settings are configure to give the shopper a specific gift product selected by the administrator.

WooCommerce Free Gifts - Choosing a Gift
WooCommerce Free Gifts – Choosing a Gift

In the screenshot above you see the notice informing the shopper that they are now eligible for a gift. This screenshot is the cart page, and under the message you can see the mini add to cart form where the shopper can optionally select a gift from a category of products selected by the administrator.

WooCommerce Free Gifts with images - Add the Gift
WooCommerce Free Gifts with images – Add the Gift

You can optional choose to show the list of gifts with a product thumbnail image, as seen in the screenshot above.

WooCommerce Free Gifts - Gift in Cart
WooCommerce Free Gifts – Gift in Cart

In the screenshot above you see a gift already added to the cart by the shopper. Notice the price indicator, it shows “Free Gift” to let the shopper know that it’s free. You can configure that text to suit your needs.

WooCommerce Free Gifts - Checkout Page
WooCommerce Free Gifts – Checkout Page

And in the screenshot above you’re looking at a sample checkout page. The gift item add to cart form appears on the checkout page in the case the shopper bypassed the cart page and went straight to checkout.

WooCommerce Free Gift Settings
WooCommerce Free Gift Settings

Above you can see the general settings, and below you see a sample of free gift rules. Keep in mind these are only example, create your rules any way you like.

WooCommerce Free Gift Example Rules
WooCommerce Free Gift Example Rules

The add to cart forms presented by WooCommerce Free Gifts are in template files that you can customize if you need to.

Questions? Use the Contact Us page, or give us a call toll free. The number is listed at the top of this page. 

Compatibility: WooCommerce 3.0 and newer

Latest version: 2.5.2

Comes with great support via email and phone!

WooCommerce Free Gifts - Enticement NoticeWooCommerce Free Gifts - Add the GiftWooCommerce Free Gifts - Choosing a GiftWooCommerce Free Gifts - Gift in CartWooCommerce Free Gifts - Checkout PageWooCommerce Free Gift SettingsWooCommerce Free Gifts with images - Add the Gift

We keep all of our software up to date with the latest versions of WooCommerce and WordPress.

If you don't see any recent changes below it's because none have become necessary!

Version 2.5.2 - November 28, 2023

	Updated the plugin's template file to get translated product titles for the dropdown selection list of gift products

Version 2.5.1 - November 16, 2023

	Added more adjustments for WPML to translate dynamic strings from the plugin's main settings.

Version 2.5 - November 15, 2023

	Added support for products translated via WPML, this allow gifts to be added to the cart in any language
	Declare compatibility with WooCommerce high speed order system (HPOS)
	Declare incompatibility with WooCommerce checkout and cart blocks

Version 2.4.9 - September 13, 2022

	Updated template file to correct process the %MAX_GIFTS% parameter.

Version 2.4.8 - August 20 2022

	Update template files to not show elibility notice unless related setting is enabled

Version 2.4.7 - January 3, 2022

	Ensure product exists before trying to get SKU

Version 2.4.6 - October 21, 2021

	Ensure product parent image displays if a variation has no image of its own
	Make enticement messages translatable

Version 2.4.5 - May 11, 2021

	Make single gift template responsive for mobile

Version 2.4.4 - April 21, 2021

	Adjust code to avoid PHP notices and warnings

Version 2.4.3 - March 9, 2021

	Ensure that maybe_return_price() only runs on the cart and checkout pages

Version 2.4.2 - December 15, 2020

	Ensure that the new "Disable gifts" setting excludes checking gift products in the cart
Version 2.4.1 - December 14, 2020

	Added new feature: Disable gifts if specific products are in the cart

Version 2.3.22 - October 23, 2020

	Ensure messages appear on the checkout page upon page load
	New setting to include tax when checking the cart subtotal 

Version 2.3.21 - October 12, 2020

	Ensure messages appear on the cart page upon page load

Version 2.3.20 - September 25, 2020

	New settings to control whether to append SKU or Product ID to the product title when displaying a list of possible gift products
	New placeholder %MAX_GIFTS% for the elibility notice to show the number of gifts a shopper can receive

Version 2.3.19 - May 1, 2020

	Added setting to choose gift form placement: Cart, Checkout, or both

Version 2.3.18 - April 29, 2020

	Added compatibility for IgniteWoo's Wholesale Pro Suite, ensure price is 0 if cart item is a gift

Version 2.3.17 - April 20, 2020

	Ensure products in the rule list exists before processing them on the frontend

Version 2.3.16 - March 2, 2020

	Updated rule processing for rules that contain specific variations of a variable product

Version 2.3.15 - February 14, 2020

	Break the loop after finding the first matching rule

Version 2.3.14 - February 13, 2020

	Updated rule processing to ensure that when checking category rules the parent product ID is used

Version 2.3.13 - January 28, 2020

	Corrected rule index search to ensure roles and users are checked before continuing the loop

Version 2.3.12 - December 8, 2019

	Updated rule processing to handle variable products in rules as opposed to variation products in rules
	Ensure gifts are removed if the shopper changes cart contents to the point that no gift rules match

Version 2.3.11 - December 4, 2019

	Optimized code in favor of cart item meta data instead of session based data
	If a parent category is defined in a rule then allow all products in child categories
	Limit dropdown list display length and add scrollbar when displaying gift products and images
	Added new setting to define the "Add to Cart" button text for the button in gift form 

Version 2.3.10 - November 29, 2019

	Corrected variable name used when getting individual variation of a variable product
	Ensure rules array for categories is checked against being empty
	Add JS block() to the cart and checkout forms when adding a gift to the order

Version 2.3.9 - November 22, 2019

	Adjusted "get_cart" method availability check

Version 2.3.8 - November 21, 2019

	Corrected a variable name typo

Version 2.3.7 - October 30, 2019

	Updated processing to with addtional checks to avoid testing the cart object if the cart object cannot be obtained

Version 2.3.6 - October 30, 2019

	Updated processing to avoid checking the cart object when the admin area is being accessed

Version 2.3.5 - October 30, 2019

	Changed hook for "maybe_remove_from_cart" to "wp_loaded" to ensure the cart contents can be loaded and checked

Version 2.3.4 - October 18, 2019

	Adjusted product lookup to ensure grouped products appear in the list of available gift products

Version 2.3.3 - October 4, 2019

	Ensure cart item "data" is a product object before calling is_type() on the object

Version 2.3.2 - September 23, 2019

	Ensure a gift's variation parent ID is obtained before checking to determine if it matches any rules before removing from the cart

Version 2.3.1 - September 15, 2019

	Ensure variations of a variable product are interated in the gift selection list for shoppers
	Do not include products in the selection list if the product is not in stock or not allowed to be backordered

Version 2.3 - June 19, 2019

	Added support for display product thumbnail images in the dropdown list of gift products when the shopper is offered more than one gift

Version 2.2.26 - June 13, 2019

	Added new setting to allow substracting cart discounts from the subtotal when determining gift eligability

Version 2.2.25 - April 16, 2019

	Updated the message shortcode processing to ensure it always works when used. 
	Ensure that categories are checked for each gift rule when determining if a product should be removed from the cart

Version 2.2.24 - January 25, 2019

	Updated the template file used when more than one gift is offered

Version 2.2.23 - November 26, 2018

	Ensure gift items in the cart have a price of zero
	Ensure that if the cart is changed that any gift items in the cart match the rule, otherwise remove the non-matching gift item from the cart

Version 2.2.22 - November 21, 2018

	Correct the logic related to excluding roles from eligability

Version 2.2.21 - October 23, 2018

	Try to re-register the select2 Javascript in the admin area settings page if some other software de-registered it

Version 2.2.20 - October 16, 2018

	Tweaked variable processing to determine when the gift form is submitted

Version 2.2.19 - October 5, 2018

	Use custom notice type for gift related messages, ensure eligible notice only displays once via the template

Version 2.2.18 - October 4, 2018

	Replace deprecated DOMNodeInserted event hook, replace with "updated_wc_div" trigger hook

Version 2.2.17 - September 27, 2018

	Updated Javascript logic for the cart page and removed duplicate notitication messages

Version 2.2.16 - May 31, 2018

	Test if WC session exists before attempt to call its methods

Version 2.2.15 - May 3, 2018
	Try to ensure notices only appear once per page on sites running WooCommerce versions older than v3.5
Version 2.2.14 - January 16, 2018

	Ensure enticement notices appear on shop, category, and tag pages
Version 2.2.13 - December 6, 2017

	Updated to include the SKU with the title, this helps when several different gift products all have the same name.

Version 2.2.12 - November 22, 2017

	Updated rule processing for excluding user roles

Version 2.2.11 - November 21, 2017

	Ensure gift products in the cart have unique hidden meta data so that they can be added more than once
	Ensure that if the product being offered as a gift is already in the cart as a purchase that it can still be added without interfering

Version 2.2.10 - November 17, 2017

	New feature: Exclude users with specific roles from receiving gifts

Version 2.2.9 - November 17, 2017

	Updated to fix backward compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5.x

Version 2.2.8 - November 16, 2017

	Changed the templating to avoid having the elibility notice display more than once on the cart and checkout pages
	Added compatibility to support Booster for WooCommerce custom order numbering - helps when searching for orders by number

Version 2.2.7 - November 14, 2017

	Updated to address the condition of items in the cart all being free

Version 2.2.6 - October 31, 2017

	Updated rule editor HTML and JS
	Update frontend rule processing to ensure shoppers see a gift notice and choice when a rule matches

Version 2.2.5 - October 16, 2017

	Added support for Grouped products

Version 2.2.4 - October 10, 2017

	Adjust renumbering of fields in the settings when rules are dragged to new positions

Version 2.2.3 - September 25, 2017

	Ensure products in gift rules still exist before attempting to render gift selection dropdown list. 
	Ensure cart button JS only loads on the cart page

Version 2.2.2 - April 25, 2017

	WooCommerce 3.x compatibility

Version 2.2.1 - January 25, 2017

	Fix PHP 5.x compatibility issue

Version 2.2 - October 11, 2016

	Updated to support sets of gift rules, add as many gift rules as you need.
	Updated to support users and roles so different gifts can be offered to different users.

Version 2.1.3 - December 1, 2015

	Added check for admin area to prevent gift checking when not needed

Version 2.1.2 - May 26, 2015

	Updated JS params for the settings page

Version 2.1.1 - May 16, 2015

	Fixed PHP compatibility issues

Version 2.1 - March 6, 2015

	Initial public release

Version 1.0

	In-house development and private use

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From: 49.00 / year

Give your shoppers one or more free gifts if they spend a certain amount of money.

All of our plugins come with great support via email and phone.

Subscription options

A subscription entitles you to 1 year of updates and support. Each individual web site requires a license key, so choose the right license for your needs.
