WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Order Totals & Product Quantities WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Totals & Quantities

How to Control Minimum and Maximum Order Totals and Product Quantities

The first step is to buy our WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Totals & Quantities plugin, then install it, configure the settings, and you’re done. From that point on your settings control the shopping requirements in terms of minimum and maximum order totals and product quantities

Minimum and Maximum Order Requirements

If you need to control the minimum and maximum order total requirements or the min / max total quantity of items in the cart before a shopper can complete the checkout process, you can do that. You have complete control over the purchasing requirements in your store by adding rules that control these variables. And, you can set rules that apply to all shoppers or only certain users and customers, or only for certain users and customers that have specific user roles.

Here’s a sample screenshot of the global plugin settings, which in this case show sample rules that were added for demonstration purposes.

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Order Totals and Quantities - Global Settings
WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Order Totals and Quantities – Global Settings


Minimum and Maximum Product Quantities and Increments

Taking the control explained in the previously paragraph even further, you can add rules that control the minimum and maximums for individual products. This include the min / max quantity that much be purchased, and the increment in which items must be purchased. Again again, you can set these rules so they that apply to all shoppers or only certain users and customers, or only for certain users and customers that have specific user roles.

For example, lets imagine you have a product called My Widget, and maybe you want to require that all users that want to by purchase My Widget buy at least 5. And maybe you want shoppers to always buy in increments of 2, and maybe you also want to make sure that no single shopper buys more than 15 in a single purchase.  You can do that.

Any of those parameters can be set individually, or together in any combination.

Here’s an example screenshot showing sample product settings. The settings are available when editing a simple product or variable product:

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Product Quantities
WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Product Quantities

Min / Max Totals and Quantities Summary

For Shopper Orders

  • Set rules that control minimum and maximum total quantity of items in the cart, required before the shopper can complete the checkout process
  • Set rules that control the minimum and maximum for the total cost of the items in the cart that is required before the shopper can complete the checkout process
  • Exclude any products from your minimum and maximum rules
  • Any rule can optionally be defined for specific shoppers – including all shoppers, or specific logged-in shoppers ( based on user account or user role )

For Products Quantities

  • Set rules that control the minimum and maximum quantity limits for any product
  • Set rules that control the quantity increment that shoppers must purchase. For example, require shoppers to buy multiples of 5 for a product, or variation of a product
  • Any rule can optionally be defined for specific shoppers – including all shoppers, or specific logged-in shoppers ( based on user account or user role )
  • Works with simple, variable, and grouped products. You can set rules for individual variations of a product, or all variations of a product



Questions?  Use the contact page to send us a message. Or call us at the number listed at the top of this page.


Compatibility:  WooCommerce 2.4.16 and newer

Current version: 2.1.14


WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Order Totals and Quantities - Global SettingsWooCommerce Minimum Maximum Product Quantities

We keep all of our software up to date with the latest versions of WooCommerce and WordPress.

If you don't see any recent changes below it's because none have become necessary!

Version 2.1.14 - September 21, 2022

	Ensure data-quantity is set to the min amount foreach product using "woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_args"

Version 2.1.13 - October 20, 2020

	Adjust field name for [max] param in variation settings

Version 2.1.12 - August 20, 2020
	Changed settings key name to make input field names shorter, correct problem on some sites that limit input field name length
	Avoid PHP warnings for null array
	Add Ajax hook to save variation settings

Version 2.1.11 - January 15, 2019

	Updated JS code used to set min/max quantities for variations on the public side of the site

Version 2.1.10 - December 21, 2018

	Updated settings to use the newer Select2 v4.x included with WooCommerce

Version 2.1.9 - November 14, 2018

	When checking min/max rules against cart subtotal use the subtotal before taxes etc

Version 2.1.8 - October 29, 2018

	Ensure that the rule processing uses the get_subtotal() method

Version 2.1.7 - October 11, 2018

	Fixed max quantity message parsing
	Test for empty variation ID during add_to_cart() processing

Version 2.1.6 - October 2, 2018

	Corrected variation ID detection so that quantity rules on the cart page apply 
	Refactored JS for the admin area for variations of a variable product

Version 2.1.5 - May 18 2017

	Adjusted rule detection to consider rules that have no users or roles assigned 

Version 2.1.4 - May 17, 2017

	Fixed quantity notice message when max quanity allowed is exceeded
	WooCommerce 3.x compatibility

Version 2.1.3 - February 3, 2016

	Fixed typo with brackets
	Ensure checkout is allowed if the only products in the cart are all excluded from the rules

Version 2.1.2 - January 29, 2016

	Updated variation attribute detection

Version 2.1.1 - May 19, 2015 

	Adjusted checking for cart total min / max to allow for empty values in the plugin's settings

Version 2.1 - May 6, 2015 

	Initial public release

Version 1.0

	In-house development and private testing

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From: 29.00 / year

Set the min/max for order totals or the min/max total quantity of items in the cart before a shopper can place an order.

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