Need a way to offer wholesale pricing discount rules?
WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing Plus works as an add-on module for our Wholesale Pricing base plugin that greatly extends your ability to manage wholesale buying in your WooCommerce store.
Wholesale Pricing Plus introduces several new optional features to your sales process:
- Can allow wholesale buyers to bypass the payment process during checkout
- Can allow wholesale buyers to bypass choosing a shipping method during checkout
- Can disable the use of coupons by wholesale buyers
- Enable / disable taxes for purchases by wholesale buyers
- NEW for VAT users: Display prices without taxes in the shop and product pages but display taxes in the cart and charge taxes at checkout
- Can filter products so that only products with wholesale pricing are visible in your store
- Can allow products that only have wholesale pricing to be purchasable by wholesale buyer. Normally products without a retail price have no “buy” buttons. This feature overcomes that issue when you set a wholesale price for a product but do not set a regular price.
- Gives you the ability to apply site-wide wholesale price rules for quantity discounts, site-wide discounts can be applied to all wholesale buyers, specific users, or specific roles, and can also be based on cart line item quantity or total number of products in the cart from specific categories.
- Gives you the ability to apply individual product wholesale price rules for quantity discounts on a per category basis
- Individual product wholesale price rules can be applied to any number of users, or to all wholesale buyers
- Build rules that apply a percentage discount ( example: . quantity of 5 receives 20% off the product price )
- Build rules that apply a price adjustment discount ( example: . quantity of 5 receives $10 off the product price )
- Build rules that modify the base price ( example: . original price is $100, quantity of 5 receives $10 off so the price becomes $90 )
- Build rules that apply to everyone, including non-wholesale buyers.
See the screenshots for configuration details.
This plugin requires the use of our Wholesale Pricing base plugin ( version 2.2.2 or newer) If you already own the base plugin make certain that you have a compatible version installed. You can download the latest version from the My Account page here on our site.
After purchase, be sure to read the documentation file here on our site at WooCommerce Plugins -> Wholesale Plus
As always, this plugin comes with stellar support via email and phone!
NOTE: Wholesale Pricing Plus is not compatible with the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin.
Compatibility: WooCommerce 3.0 and newer
We keep all of our software up to date with the latest versions of WooCommerce and WordPress.
If you don't see any recent changes below it's because none have become necessary!
Version 2.4.4 - April 4, 2023
Replace legacy ID property access with CRUD function call
Version 2.4.3 - April 3, 2023
Replace legacy property access with CRUD function calls for status and payment method
Version 2.4.2 - March 28, 2023
Updated product edit code for PHP 8 compatbility
WC 7.4 compatibility
Version 2.4.1 - December 14, 2020
Avoid PHP warning message for testing empty variables
Version 2.4 - August 8, 2020
Added new settings for controlling how prices are displayed
Added new filters to handle new settings
Version 2.3.33 - June 24, 2020
Remove session_start() calls, no longer necessary
Version 2.3.32 - May 4, 2019
Modified variations list for discount rules to better identify individual variations when the product has 3 or more attributes
Version 2.3.31 - May 3, 2018
Adjust discount rule pricing for product specific rules, simple products
Version 2.3.30 - April 19, 2017
Updated rule pricing for WooCommerce 3.x, tell get_price() to simply read it and not try to adjust it
Version 2.3.29 - April 19, 2017
Updated meta key name for products
Version 2.3.28 - April 12, 2017
Updated variable name for the "where" clause filter
Version 2.3.27 - April 7, 2017
WooCommerce 3.0 compatbility
Version 2.3.26 - February 27, 2017
Check is_main_query() before filtering "wheres" and "joins" as a precaution
Version 2.3.25 - February 21, 2016
Tweaked subtotal calculation for WooCommerce 2.4 and newer
Version 2.3.24 - August 21, 2015
Updated per-product rules for variable products to support WooCommerce 2.4.x
Version 2.3.23 - June 20, 2015
Tweaked global rule processing
Version 2.3.22 - May 26, 2015
Tweaked rule processing
Version 2.3.21 - May 18, 2015
Tweaked per-product rule configuration and processing
Version 2.3.20 - May 12, 2015
Add a check to ensure a product method exists before calling it.
Version 2.3.19 - May 5, 2015
Updated for gateway better compatbility with IgniteWoo's Payment Gateway Fees & Restrictions
Version 2.3.18 - April 30, 2015
Tweaked layout look and feel for WooCommerce 2.3.x and newer
Replaced Chosen Javascript library with Select2 for WooCommerce 2.3.x and newer
Version 2.3.17 - April 30, 2015
Tweaked CSS for rules configuration
Version 2.3.16 - February 2, 2015
Added new setting for the Wholesale Payment Gateway - admin can optionally leave all enabled gateways available at checkout
Version 2.3.15 - December 12, 2014
Updated detection for one successfully processed rule to address edge cases where discount rule sets the price to the same as the wholesale price
Version 2.3.14 - October 20, 2014
Updated to support wholesale text strings in WooCommerce 2.2.x
Version 2.3.13 - August 5, 2014
Tweak price processing to strip HTML and currency symbol before reformatting it
Version 2.3.12 - June 10, 2014
Further tweaks for EU / AU tax conditions
Version 2.3.11 - June 9, 2014
Further tweaks for EU / AU tax conditions
Version 2.3.10 - June 2, 2014
Added object term checking for global rule application when rule applies to categories
Version 2.3.9 - May 19, 2014
Properly check to see if the wholesale payment gateway is enabled before allowing its use
Version 2.3.8 - May 11, 2014
Fixed a typo
Version 2.3.7 - May 8, 2014
Tweaked parameter passed to has_filterable_role()
Version 2.3.5 - May 7, 2014
Updated filtering to support IgniteWoo Tiered Pricing
Version 2.3.4 - May 5, 2014
Updated availability checking and form field label retrieval for the payment gateway as it related to WC 2.1
Version 2.3.3 - May 5, 2014
Remove unnecessary is_available filter for shipping module
Version 2.3.2 - May 2, 2014
Updated for better tax support
Version 2.3.1 - April 16, 2014
Re-instated the previous retail and wholesale filters, added a setting that allows admins to optionally enable the new filters added in version 2.3
Updated to suppport the new tax setting for Ajax requests on the checkout page
Version 2.3 - April 14, 2014
Rewrote the retail and wholesale filtering functions. This should prevent menu oddities that occur in some themes when those features are turned on.
Version 2.2.17 - April 8, 2014
Fixed the new tax setting so that it only applies to wholesale buyers
Version 2.2.16 March 28, 2014
Add support for displaying prices without tax but charging taxes at checkout. Useful for EU users.
Changed the "Disable Tax" setting label to "Tax Setting" and added 3 options that apply to wholesale buyers: "Charge tax", "Do not charge tax", and "Display price without tax, charge tax at checkout"
Version 2.2.15 March 24, 2014
Updated redirect URL for the wholesale psuedo-payment gateway
Version 2.2.14 February 27, 2014
Tweaked CSS for site wide rules for WooCommerce 2.1 support
Version 2.2.13 February 7, 2014
Tweaked global rule creation to avoid inadvertantly mixing rules
Version 2.2.12 January 21, 2014
WooCommerce 2.1 compatbility
Version 2.2.11 December 2, 2013
Updated to support IgniteWoo's Tiered Pricing without a need for the Wholesale Pricing base plugin.
Version 2.2.10 November 26, 2013
Fixed global rule set indexing that caused a problem saving newly added rulesets in some situations
Version 2.2.9 August 29, 2013
Minor tweak to provide compatbility and support for our WooCommerce Tiered Pricing plugin
Version 2.2.8 August 8, 2013
Added language translation via load_plugin_textdomain
Added code that makes a given variation unavailable for purchase if the "product filter" is turned on and a variation doesn't have a wholesale price set.
Version 2.2.7 July 12, 2013
Global rules now support rules on a per-user, per-role basis and can be triggered on line item quantity of an item in the cart of the total number of items in the cart from specific categories.
Version 2.2.6 July 12, 2013
Fixed typo in retail filtering code
Version 2.2.5 July 1, 2013
Tweaked Wholesale Shipping to compensate is is_admin() return true, which sometimes doesn't unset the other shipping methods when necessary.
Version 2.2.4 June 2, 2013
Added shortcodes to compensate for product filtering. If your site uses WooCommerce shortcodes then use the equivalent shortcodes outlined in the documentation to ensure that filtering takes place.
Version May 15, 2013
Fixed condition where on some sites the checkout Ajax doesn't work properly
Version May 8, 2013
Corrected filter than was not returning a label string correctly
Version May 8, 2013
Removed debug code that was generating errors in some instances
Add hooked to remove the "(Free)" label suffix forcibly inserted by WooCommerce for the Wholesale shipping option.
Changed hook priority for removing all shipping options when Wholesale Shipping is enabled. Hopefully this prevents other shipping methods from being displayed.
Version April 4, 2013
Fixed return value for filtering product queries
Version 2.2.3 April 3, 2013
Fixed wholesale payment and shipping gateway settings save process
Fixed condition where AJAX on the checkout page sometimes breaks price discounting
Fixed condition where applying a product-level rule to all variations sometimes doesn't generate a discount
Version March 28, 2013
Fixed oddity with Javascript and checkboxes in rule configurationsf
Version March 28, 2013
Fixed price display on Products list page in the WordPress admin area
Version 2.2.2 March 27, 2013
Fixed WooCommerce 1.6.x / 2.x cross-compatibility issue where Cart Total may not properly calculate variations discount correctly when using discount rules.
Version 2.2.1 March 13, 2013
Fixed problem where post content repeats on single product pages when logged in as a wholesale buyer.
Version 2.2 March 8, 2013
Added support for WooCommerce 2.0
Version 2.1.9 - February 12, 2013
Fixed type checking issue that generates a warning message
Version 2.1.8 - February 11, 2013
Fixed issue where subtotal was not calculated on the discounted price when a rule is applied
that adjusts the price.
Version 2.1.7 -January 17, 2012
Fixed issue where under certain conditions products page might show up empty
Version -January 14, 2012
Fixed issue where cart subtotal doesn't display in certain situations
Version 2.1.6 -January 14, 2012
Fixed issue where single product page might show the product multiple times
when an administrator is logged in
Version 2.1.5 -January 4, 2012
Updated to support automatic updates
Version 2.1.4 - December 12, 2012
- Fixed a bug where rules did not always process properly
- Fixed a bug where price may not always display properly
Version 2.1.3 - November 27, 2012
- Fixed issues related to tax removal
- Added new setting for filtering retail-only products. When set, retail buyers won't see wholesale-only products.
Version 2.1.2 - October 24, 2012
- Fixed issue with Wholesale Shipping Gateway and Wholesale Payment Gateways no operating properly
Version 2.1.1 - September 28, 2012
- Fixed minor warning message with a class constructor
Version 2.1 - September 28, 2012
- Initial public release